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Commonly known as referral marketing or multi-level marketing, network marketing uses an effective model that uses distributed networks for building business. Network marketing is popular for providing huge flexibility. There are thousands of multinational companies that are built out of network marketing.

Moreover, top politicians, as well as businessmen these days, are talking about the importance of network marketing since it has turned out to be an effective strategy for businesses to flourish in the market.

Network marketing business operates in more than 1000 cities and is one of the best industries for profit gain. Here are some of the popular business tycoons and politicians, and their views on network marketing.

Thoughts of Bill Gates on Network Marketing

“If I would be given a chance to start all over again, I would choose Network Marketing”- Bill Gates. You will come across thousands of marketing quotes by Bill Gates on Network Marketing. In almost every quote, he always supported network marketing. He believes that if he has to start all over again, he would choose multilevel marketing.

Bill Gates says that network marketing is no doubt a great opportunity for those who do not have enough financial as well as intellectual resources for developing their own business, services, or products.

According to him, the majority of people do not understand the difficulty of taking business ideas from conception to its execution. Due to this reason, Bill Gates thinks that network marketing is perfect for people who can diligently follow the systems.

Thoughts of Donald trump on network marketing

Network Marketing received huge publicity and; however, it is both good and bad. Although people who used network marketing became rich. When Donald Trump was asked about his thoughts on network marketing, he said that if he gets bankrupted, then he will definitely opt for network marketing.

For that, Donald Trump on networking marketing mentioned that he could begin a network marketing business. Although people do not like his answer when he said this on a TV show, his innovative thoughts, as well as quick-mindedness, made him popular.

Donald Trump has risk-taking capabilities along with sound judgment; thus, making him one of the richest men in the world. His potential and power to see the future made him a popular name in network marketing.

Thoughts of APJ ABDUL KALAM on network marketing

Also known as the ‘Missile Man of India’, APJ Abdul Kalam is remembered as one of the respected personalities in India. Even though he was involved with Nuclear Power in India, his contributions to the Indian government are definitely worth mentioning.

However, it is believed that his contribution and believes about network marketing are quite strong as well. APJ Abdul Kalam on networking marketing believed that it is the future of marketing and can change the outlook of the Indian market.

Thoughts of Robert Kiyosaki on network marketing

According to Robert Kiyosaki, “The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.” Entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki as we all know wrote one of the most popular business books ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’.

In almost every book, he mentioned that it is important to take responsibility for your finances. In his recent book ‘The Business of the 21st Century’; he describes one business model regarding network marketing. Robert Kiyosaki on network marketing says that his business model holds the greatest promise of building real wealth for people.

It is known as network marketing. Both Robert Kiyosaki and his fellow investor Donald Trump chose network marketing as one of the most popular business models since it is quite effective.

Thoughts of Warren Buffett on network marketing

Warren Buffett on network marketing

Warren Buffet is one of the popular billionaires and owns a group of networking companies. You might have heard about this popular personality, who changed the world of marketing. He is considered a business tycoon and tops the list of the wealthiest man in the world. Buffet mostly earned money mostly from the stick markets.

Even after achieving huge success in the field of the stock market, he is interested in network marketing. Warren Buffet on network marketing in one of the interviews mentioned that if he gets an opportunity to begin everything once again, he would choose network marketing. Today, Warren Buffer owns three different network marketing companies.

Thoughts of Bill Clinton on network marketing

The former president Bill Clinton always had a positive outlook to build his country mindfully and progressive in terms of marketing and technology. Due to this reason, he supported network marketing and it eventually brought fruitful results for the country.

Bill Clinton on network marketing mentioned that it is the future of marketing and eventually can change the perspective of people regarding it. Network marketing is all about marketing through people, for people, and by people. Moreover, people can earn huge profit, which is definitely one of the most important things to consider while marketing

Thoughts of Narendra Modi on network marketing

Narendra Modi as we all know is not only the honorable prime minister of India but also the man who thought of introducing digitalization. He is the one who brought revolutionary steps that can actually bring changes to the country and make it modern. Modi introduced the BHIM app as a networking marketing opportunity through people.

In one of the public meetings, Narendra Modi on networking marketing said that people who will refer others to install and use the BHIM app would receive a certain amount in their bank accounts. For example, if twenty people start using the BHIM app through your recommendation, you will get two hundred rupees in your account.

Essential Tips for Successful Network Marketing

••Setting clear goals is one of the most important parts of network marketing so that you can achieve success. If you want to start with network marketing, it is best to set small and achievable goals. Once you reach it, you can increase the goal gradually

••It is important to have patience when it comes to network marketing. After all, good marketing is all about doing proper research and coming up with a solution to the problems that people are facing. Besides, listening carefully allow people to talk about the problems they are facing

••Businesses always focus on sponsoring people into the business and this is definitely an effective step towards success. But, it is vital to understand that while sponsoring people, you must not ignore the products and services of your business.

Hence, these are some of the views of the top businessmen and politicians regarding network marketing and its strategies.

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